I used to hate when my older brother would

“Getting second thoughts? What happened

“Yes, I know they’re huge, but

“Yes, master. You can put that big

“The fact that this is my childhood

It’s hard to explain just how much

Our big brother pays for us to live our lives

“What do you mean ‘where’s

I almost came right there before my big sister

Text with picture from my big sister down

“Just fuck me already, little brother,

It was so much fun watching my kid brother

“Yes, big brother, I’ll meet

I loved watching my kid brother when I got

Once I finally got over how weird it was,

“And you’re sure it’s my

“Mom and Dad are gone for at least

“Remember, just looking, no touching.

“Yeah, that’s a great story,

“You really like the new haircut, big

“Slow this time, okay, big brother?

“I know that look… *sigh*, fine,

“Give your big sister a kiss goodnight.

So a deal was struck. I needed the money

“It’s just us, li'l brother.

“Thanks for joining me, little brother.

“I lied, big brother. I don’t

My little brother always chose the exact

“Tell me everything your girlfriend

“Of course I think you’re handsome,

“How bad are my tan lines, little brother?

“Just let your big sister take care

“Fuck me right here, right now, big

My little brother is just upset about his

“Don’t be silly, little brother,

“Could you fuck my tits again, little

“I think you’re ready for the

“Of course I know what a blowjob is,

“Yesyes, you like my tits, I get it.

I knew my pervy little brother had been snooping

“Oh don’t be a grump! If someone

I love the way my big sister blew me like

“Please, big brother? I’ve been

I did the thing I always did before going

“I’m thinkin’ of somethin’

“I can’t believe you got me this

It had been two months since the last time,

“Come to bed, little brother. It’s

