“What’s that, little brother?

“Hey now, little brother, I’m

“What next, little brother? Please,

I didn’t see what was so bad. He never

“Have you recharged yet, little brother?

The following is the text I sent with this

“Why do you always have to make everything

“So what d'you say, little brother?

“Hello? Big brother? I’m up here.

It hadn’t been more than two hours

My little brother was staring again. Pretty

“Of course, big brother, I won’t

“Woah, little brother, calm down. I

“Here you go, you perv. You get one

“I was thinking that we because we

It had only been two days since I had sworn

“Oh just tell me what’s on your

“It’s been two hours, little

“Please, big brother? I won’t

I was full out picturing my brother every

“I’m so glad you finally agree

Text with picture:“oh hey lil bro.

“No, just look, little brother, we’re

I was a good little sister for my two amazing

“Is this a ‘yes’, little

“What about now, little brother? Now

“So what do you think, little brother?

“Are you ready for our date, little

I’m so happy that my little brother

Our parents have heavily sheltered me and

My little brother brought his girlfriend

“So Mom and Dad are getting here two

“I used to think my huge tits were

“Yes, big brother, I’ve noticed

I really hated to admit it to myself, but

“Yes, it’s normal for you to

“You're so funny, little brother!

I had been faking my moans for weeks ever

“How about now, little brother? We’re

“That’s right, little brother,

It had started with a horrible embarrassing

“You say that every time you break

“Oh no, I’m having a really fun

“I think you have to stop visiting

“Aw, poor baby brother, you must have

“You’re fucking kidding me, right?

“Er, well with that conversation out

“Oh don’t get all moral on me

